A photo of Matt Pithers, a personal trainer, doing curls in the mirror.

Welcome to a journey that defies age and embraces vitality. Aging is a natural process, and society often associates it with physical decline and limitations. However, the notion that age is a barrier to fitness is nothing more than a myth. In this blog post, we will explore the transformative power of exercise, debunk common misconceptions

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Photo of Matt & Hannah Pithers stretching on a rest day.

Welcome to our fitness blog, where we explore the crucial aspect of exercise: Rest days in your fitness journey. While exercise is vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, many people often overlook the significance of rest days for optimal performance and recovery. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of rest days, how to

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Strength training is not just for men! Women around the world are increasingly recognizing the incredible benefits of incorporating strength training into their fitness routines.Contrary to popular myths, strength training does not lead to bulky muscles or compromise femininity. It empowers women, enhances their physique, and contributes to overall well-being. In this article, we will

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